What To Do When You Don’t Know The Multistack Part Number

What To Do When You Don’t Know The Multistack Part Number

How To Get Multistack, Airstack, AuraGreen Parts Pricing

Things you may not know:

  1.  How much does the average cloud weigh? (1.1 million pounds)
  2.  What does the “M” stand for in AM and PM? (Meridiem) 
  3. What is your biggest weakness? (You’re too organized) 
  4. What do you do if you don’t know the Multistack part number you need? (Reach out to us, RapidHVACParts.com)

If you’re working on a Multistack chiller, Airstack chiller, or AuraGreen Energy Recovery Ventilator, we can help with any part you need, even if you don’t know the part number.

When you have a Multistack, Airstack, or AuraGreen parts request, email us (parts@rapidhvacparts.com) or call us (610-860-5220) and we can assist with getting you the correct parts, fast. The same applies for ANY Brand we sell such as Waterfurnace, Bosch FHP or LG Parts. We can source any chiller part for all brands including York, Johnson Controls, Carrier and More

Below is an example tag from a Multistack Chiller. Providing us with the serial number from the bottom of the tag will allow us to work with Multistack to identify the correct parts.


The tag on Airstack Chillers and Aura-Green Energy Recovery Ventilators looks similar, and will also have a serial number.

We work each day with Multistack and can provide you with a quote faster than you’re used to with other Multistack representatives.

If you already have the part numbers and just need pricing, email or call us. We will provide the best pricing in the nation on Multistack parts, guaranteed.

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